Just gotta point out the fantastic job <a href=”http://www.macromedia.com”>Macromedia</a> is doing handling this EOLAS bs. <a href=”http://www.markme.com/cantrell/”>Christian Cantrell</a> was laser striking every thread on <a href=”http://chattyfig.figleaf.com”>Flash Lounge</a>, informing of solutions, dispelling rumors, and informing of up and coming ways in which Macromedia is helping with other ways to deal with the changes.
I was wrong in my prediction of “<a href=”https://www.jessewarden.com/archives/000280.html”>nothing happening</a>”. Although nothing earthshattering took place, and we could be a lot worse off, there is still a lot of time and money people are spending to deal with these changes, now and in the future. Thanks Macromedia for being so professional about it!
Just speculating here but what if Microsoft wanted to lose all a long to help pave the way for longhorn?