Updated CSS for my site

I got enough shlack from people that I finally fixed the CSS on my site. So far, I can’t break it, anyway. If it appers wrong to you via changing font sizes, let me know… again.


9 responses to “Updated CSS for my site”

  1. Chafic Kazoun Avatar

    So I saw the post in flog and thought.. Maybe he finally changed the background/fore color..

    I guess not :)

  2. JesterXL Avatar

    LOL, keep dreaming yo. I’m still part designer!

    “You mean you wanted to be able to actually READ the content…?”

  3. Geoff Bowers Avatar

    Or maybe I’d just like to read the top links on your individual archive pages — get with the program dude… invisible links are so 1987 :)

  4. JesterXL Avatar

    I was wondering when someone would comment about that… I should of made this in Flash, I swear.

  5. brandy Avatar

    haha.. i dont mind the colors, I just mind that i CANT COPY AND PASTE TEXTR!

  6. anupriyo Avatar

    Haha. I just noticed the invisible menus on the archive pages. lol

  7. JesterXL Avatar

    …I can’t win…

  8. JesterXL Avatar

    MUWHWHWHAHAHAHAH!!! FIXED! Yeah, what’s up!? Dat all yu got!?