Fun With Mongo


The last tech I got to have fun with on my vacation was MongoDB. It’s a NoSQL database, meaning, it doesn’t use the common SQL. It stands for “Not Only SQL”, but they market it to people like me so I call it “No SQL thank god”. Instead, it stores JSON objects which it calls documents. They’re stored as BSON: binary JSON.

Given my recent delusions of grandeur once I got login in Node + deployment of Node working, the world was my oyster, so I dove headlong into Mongo. Once I learned how to navigate to the real documentation, I felt right at home.

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Message Systems in Programming: Part 7 of 7 – Conclusions


As you can see, each messaging system has pro’s and con’s. Also, each can, and often is, used in tandem with each other. They aren’t always stand alone, and many are used in the same code base. As you better understand the basics of messaging systems, you can more easily make your Object Oriented code bases easier to encapsulate. It also makes it easier when using Design Patterns to have disparate parts of the code talk to each other in a flexible way.

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Message Systems in Programming: Part 5 of 7 – Promise and Deferred

Promise and Deferred (or Futures and Completers)

We’ve glossed over asynchronous coding up to this point. Many from languages which have reasonable event API’s (ActionScript) to extremely nice ones (C#), it may not at first look like a problem, or even appear to be an edge case. Coming from ActionScript, it took me years to get comfortable, and understand why, Promises were helpful. Also, many in those languages either create, or have facilities that help create, orchestration code to help mitigate common asynchronous coding issues.

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