Tag: html5

  • Facebook’s HTML5 Mistake

    Laides & Gentlemen, some key points to keep in mind when reading about Mark Zuckerberg’s latest statement about Facebook’s mobile strategy:

    “The biggest mistake we made as a company was betting too much on HTML5 instead of native… We burnt two years.”


    I’ve seen some holes in a few of the blogs & commentary that I believe need plugging.

  • RIA Unleashed 2011

    Mobile Gaming with Corona and Adobe AIRJust wanted to give a post mortem on RIA Unleashed 2011, a conference up in Boston run by the FITC crew. Specifically I wanted to mention some thoughts on gaming, JavaScript, and leadership.

    I’m glad I went to RIA Unleashed this year. First year run by the FITC crew who always have their act together. I always like the crowd in Boston. This year was different for a few reasons.


  • Using Geolocation with Flex in the Browser

    I went to http://www.html5rocks.com, and some of the samples didn’t work. The one that did, however, was Geolocation. I thought it was neat because you didn’t need to utilize an iPhone/Android phone to get Geolocation data, and thus know where you are. I’ve read on Twitter that it’s not very accurate. Not sure how it works, but it’s been accurate for me. The browser support, however, has been atrocious. So far, the sample below only works in Chrome and Opera. Safari and Firefox don’t seem to work for me. Safari does pop up the permission dialogue, but just sits there; no error, no update. Regardless, I wanted to see if I could integrate that location data into Flash.


  • Steve Jobs on Flash: Correcting the Lies

    Apple has posted Steve Jobs’ “Thoughts on Flash“. There are a lot of lies and half truths. No one will care. The article has enough valid points that people won’t check up on them.

    That said, here’s my attempts to correct the lies.
