Tag: html

  • Front End Development 5 Years Later

    Chris Coyier, a famous web dev whose articles on CSS/HTML/design have helped even lowly me, has a super compelling video my colleague Steven Sacks shared with me. Chris covers the many facets of “what is a front end developer”, the identity crisis the term has, and it’s fascinating. Totally valid in what I’ve seen in the past 8 years.

  • Fun With Polymer 1.1

    Fun With Polymer 1.1


    I’ve spent the past 2 weeks of my vacation playing with JavaScript, Polymer, Node, Express, Restify, and Mongo. Today, I wanted to cover the fun I had with Polymer, Google’s web UI component framework, contrast it with other frameworks, and give my general impressions. From this you’ll have a firm understanding of what Polymer is for, how to use it, and what things to watch for.


  • Backbone.js for Flash and Flex Developers


    The JavaScript web development community has a significant amount of application development frameworks, specifically around creating scalable applications using MVC/MVP/MVVM/MVPM/MVPV/MVSC, etc. Flash & Flex have the same, although not as many, nor as many library dependencies.

    Backbone in particular has some longevity amongst the many frameworks available and has been used in some high profile applications (notably Pivotal Tracker). Since I’ve recently been fixing a web application project with a varied history, I’m diving head first into Backbone, and taking a break from diving into Angular.

    In this article, I’ll go over what Backbone is, how its features compare to frameworks Flash & Flex Developers are used to, and some implementation details that will help you compare how JavaScript MVC apps compare to Flash and Flex ones.


  • RIA Unleashed 2011

    Mobile Gaming with Corona and Adobe AIRJust wanted to give a post mortem on RIA Unleashed 2011, a conference up in Boston run by the FITC crew. Specifically I wanted to mention some thoughts on gaming, JavaScript, and leadership.

    I’m glad I went to RIA Unleashed this year. First year run by the FITC crew who always have their act together. I always like the crowd in Boston. This year was different for a few reasons.
