Tag: Flex

  • What I Learned at Flash and the City 2010

    While it’s fresh, here is what I learned at Flash and the City 2010 (blog).  It was a Flash & Flex conference in New York City that brought together developers from around the world.  The reasons for me to attend were (beyond being invited, duh):

    1. You don’t attend conferences, you speak at conferences.
    2. I like smaller conferences.
    3. I love Manhattan.
    4. One of my current clients is there.
    5. My wife had never been to New York.
    6. You don’t get many eastern conferences (east in the USA).


  • Cocoa Chronicles #1: ActionScript vs. Objective C

    Skip Intro

    *** Update: Paul Taylor (@guyinthechair) has a more recent post on the same subject. ***

    *** NOTE: I’m a n00b at Cocoa and Objective C. Unlike Python, I don’t like learning it, either. If you perceive something below is inaccurate, please comment, and I’ll update. ***


    I was having a lot of fun using the iPhone packager. Then Apple changed their licensing to prevent people like me from using ActionScript for iPhone/iPad, and instead being forced to use their toolsets, or those unofficially approved. At first I was furious. Then I tried to get a simple list to scroll in AS3. Even using a fake mask, device fonts, and cacheAsBitmap for all items + container, it just wasn’t smooth, even with just 30 items, regardless of frame rate. If you use an out of the box UITableView in Cocoa, it “just works”.


  • D2W and Roundtable with Joel Hooks & Nick Joyce – JXLTV Episode #006

    				JXL TV Episode 6


  • Debug Window v2 – Simple Flex Debug Window

    Back in Flex 1.5, I created a simple DebugWindow that was 1 class, and worked inside of Flex apps.  I don’t like a lot of complexity, and the fact I just needed to drop 1 class in my project, and write 2 lines of code to make it work was something that no others delivered on.  Using trace required you to not look at your Flex app to see traces, you had to run in debug mode, and you had to use ASCII art to filter messages.  I was using LuminicBox for Flex 1.5 projects later in the game, and in 2 & 3, I used the AS3 update of it by Mark Walters.  There were a couple of problems, though, and some features I wanted to add.
