Post Microsoft MIX 2008 Thoughts

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Using Visualization for More Accurate Time Estimations


I hate time estimations. Tracking time for contract work takes a close 2nd. Unfortunately, I’ve never seen a lot of combination of both; estimating a project’s time line, and comparing the expectations with the realities at the end… and then actually ACTING on that data. In fairness, “the end” is extremely hard to define sometimes.

The only advice I have for time tracking is to do it while you work; postmortem is a bitch, and even harder to remember details when a client body checks you on a particular item. If you’re not a slack bastard like me, more power to you.

Time estimations, on the other hand, I have found 2 good ways to do. The first is experience and the second is visualization.


This isn’t so much, “code for a few years, and then’ll you get good at time estimations”. Rather, you document how long you think something will take, do it, and document how long it took. You then compare the 2 times. Do this a few times. If the results are dead on, right on. If they aren’t, identify why. These risk factors are what you can watch out for next time. Therefore, why you can feel confident you can code a solid web service call in 8 hours, if the web service itself isn’t done, and it ends up taking you 12 total hours instead spread out over 4 days, you can then mark that next time you give a client a proposal with time estimations. Aka:

  • Web Service Call = 8 hours, high risk
  • Login Form based on comp = 2 hours, low risk

Then, you can mitigate risk in a number of ways. Clearly communicate to client the risks to hopefully remove them, hit those high risk items first, or merely charge fixed bid for the low risk tasks, and hourly for the high risk ones. That, or just pad those particular items in your time estimations with a number of hours based on your past experience. For W2 work, project managers can interpret high risk items, and add their own padding and formatting the official document they showcase those in charge of pricing. For contract work, you can merely pad the high risk items and leave off the low/high risk labels.

I’ve coded so many bloody login forms, I got that shiz down pat. Web services? Hit or miss. If the back end code is solid, I can knock out in a day a good, re-usable chunk of code depending on what it does. If the back-end code isn’t solid, it could go on for weeks. These weeks could actually only total 20 hours, but even though that’s only 20 billable, getting done today vs. getting done in 3 weeks is a major deal.

And yes, it IS that black and white to compare the estimated times vs. the reality. I’m making the assumption above that your task assessment skills are dead on. Just because you set out to code a web service that gets a list of people from the back end .NET server, and later found out you had to code 4 instead because your app grew in scope… that counts as the same task. You need to be able to easily quantify tasks into either milestones unto themselves, or a set of mini-goals that lead up to a larger milestone. Therefore, if you see in your time estimations that you grossly misjudged a growth of scope creep in a particular area, or across the board, this indicates both a problem with your time estimations as well as task assessment… that, or client management.

You cannot give effective time estimations on a project unless you understand the scope of the project. If scope is undetermined, and you’re getting paid hourly, the best you can do is the best you can do. Therefore, making time estimations based on already flawed task assessments will result in padding on high risk items. Those paddings, however, can be pretty accurate if you’ve seen the chaos enough times to quickly identify the risk areas and pad accordingly.


Professional athletes who have a winning track record have often mentioned that they saw themselves winning before they did it. Some others have actually performed a type of meditation before a game where they close their eyes, relax, and visualize themselves winning. In the case of Hockey, they actually picture themselves in their imaginations deftly maneuvering the hockey puck to the goal. Resolute, they then go out and act out those visualizations.

Another analogy is the end of every Chuck Norris movie. Antagonist ticks Chuck Norris off. Camera does a close up head shot of a wounded, resolute, and generally pissed of Chuck Norris. The audience has just performed the same visualization that Chuck Norris has: He overcomes the pain and opens a can of whoop-ass on the bad guy. Chuck Norris’ character then acts out that visualization.

Visualization is also lauded by a lot of inner peace, motivational, and how to make money books. I prefer inner turmoil, I’m motivated, and already make money. I do find, however, visualization is good for body checking your time estimations. I play to win, so it seemed a good match to me.

There are 3 types of ways people learn which are audio, visual, and tactile. Choosing the one, or combination thereof that best represents you, allows you to do effective visualization of how your time estimations will work out. I’m an audio learner; I like to talk things out. I’m the type of guy who asks people questions, and then answers them myself, then thanking the person for their help. Said person is typically left with a strange expression, curious as to what just happened.

It’s a form of role playing to challenge the assumptions, typically talking it over with whoever the project manager is, like so:

“So, I’ve estimated 82 total hours here, QA included. Each set of tasks is based on either a coded component, visual design implementation, or back-end web service I need to get data from. Is that accurate? Feels accurate; I went with my gut, challenged it, and tried again, typically reaching the same amount of hours. Now, let’s visualize this out.”

“I have to sit down on Friday, and do 2 things… first, I have to do some quick re-factoring to organize client code into a specific package structure. That’ll probably take 3 hours. Second, I have to then get 2 other developers comfortable with the code setup. That’ll take another hour at most.”

:: looks at time sheet ::

“Do I have time allocated for 4 hours of ramp up time? It looks like just a list of components that I need to create and then wire up; I don’t see ramp up time on there.”

You don’t want to ever feel like your working on borrowed time when your coding. To me, it detracts from me doing good work vs. working work. Working in an environment where you feel like you are walking on egg shells is the same type of uncomfortable feeling. You want to feel confident in your guesstimate of work, and go forth with a positive attitude. If you start doubting yourself right out of the starting gate, that’s a horrible way to feel when just starting a project.

Using visualization helps you see just how you’ll start the project. If you act it out in your mind, you’ll see all those other tasks that you may not have quantified on your list of tasks. Modifying your ANT tasks, downloading and installing Flex Builder 3 beta, doing production art (break up) on the PSD to use in Flash or Flex… all are tasks that individually seem just part of the job, but collectively add up in sum time taken.

The reality is, it’s a ton easier to put these tasks on a time sheet if you’re W2. As a contractor or consultant, it’s really hard to justify why the client’s paying you $300 to “get organized”. If I were hiring someone, I wouldn’t pay for that either. The point here, though, is to identify the items you left out on your time estimations that DO have a direct impact on the deadline. If you’re a contractor between projects, you’ll need to keep in mind that un-paid ramp up time to ensure it doesn’t eat into your billable time. This is especially true on fixed bid projects (which I refuse to do, btw; I find a hybrid approach with some parts being fixed bid while other high risk items are hourly can possibly work… per talking to one of my bosses, haven’t tested the theory out yet).

Exposing Risk

Visualization also exposes risk factors.

“I need to hit this ‘getPeople’ web service, and get it working enough to ensure the data is good and will work in my customized List control. I got my VPN working this morning, and can use the web service tester app both while on VPN or on the external wireless network. The web service returned good looking XML every time I hit it.”

Good. Low risk there. Connection’s good, web service is good, and you’re ability to test from different networks is good.

Imagine if you did NOT yet have VPN access; do you have to go through a ton of company red tape to get a login? Do you need an account in the back-end system before you can get a user token to actually hit the ‘getPeople’ web service? Have you even tested the ‘login’ service that generates this user token? Are you positive the external wireless isn’t still hitting the internal network behind the firewall?

Once you start talking through this scenario, and the insane challenges associated with coding in this wild jungle, you’ve quickly identified a high risk item that requires appropriate padding. It also makes it easier to prioritize the more higher risk tasks first.

For some people, it’s hard to get out of the engineer mode and into the role playing mode. Therefore, visualization can be done a few minutes after you’ve done your time estimations, or even a day after once you’ve “slept on it”. You’ve taken the programmer’s view of what needs to be created. The next day, you then walk through the work flow scenario with a fresh set of eyes and a fresh cup of coffee.

For contractors/consultants, don’t do this in front of clients. They’ll get nervous when you start “magically” remembering new tasks you need to account time for. However, it can be useful when vocally visualizing someone ELSE’s time estimations that you don’t agree with; walking through each task brings a sense of reality to them and can add weight to your argument. Use your best judgment.


Being able to quantify software development into a set of tasks that fits nicely into an Excel spead sheet which is dropped into a Microsoft Project gant chart is just plain hard. Software development is an art. From the get-go, your setup to fail. However, it’s also a business and indicating cost is just a fact of life. It comes easier with experience, both correctly identifying all tasks in appropriate size as well as with the appropriate amount of time for those tasks, padding included on high risk items.

Visualization is just a 2nd pass, just like database normalization or 2-pass video encoding, that you can apply to your already created time estimations to double-check their accuracy. It comes at it from the qualitative angle; “Am I really going to work the way these tasks are laid out? Are these tasks valid and thorough?” Visualization helps answer those questions, identify missing tasks, and expose risk items.

Self actualized project timelines 4 t3h bling bling!

I Have 4.5 Out of 6 Good Programmer Indicators

Daniel, a business guy, lists 6 traits that he believes help identify a good programmer. It’s written for those who aren’t programmers, and want to hire good programmers. I tend to agree with all the points he makes.

The 2 I have slight contention with are the ones I don’t nail; imagine that.

1. Passion

Hell yeah… you either have to tear me away from work with a crowbar, or I have to be seriously burnt out. I love this shiz.

2. Self-teaching and love of learning

I don’t read books or documentation to learn. Instead, I like diving into the code head first and go, “wtf… this is overwhelming!” I do, however, love books and docs for reference. Gooooooo Flex documentation team! Yall rock. Moock is dope, too.

Also, I have a really short attention span. I like learning new stuff over and over and over…

3. Intelligence

My D&D character of myself has an Intelligence of 13. That means, I get at LEAST a +2 to all Intelligence related skill checks.

The only social situations I have issue with is when someone is talking at me vs. talking with me, or their insanely pompous.

4. Hidden Experience

Heck yeah, you have to to keep abreast. I have 2 folders of relevance on my computer: “_Projects” and “_Work Projects”. I store my personal stuff in Personal and work related stuff in Work Projects. The underscore makes them go to the top when sorted by name. I have tons more folders in my Projects folder than I do in my Work Projects folder. Some are small tests to learn things that I want to refer to later. Others are full blown pet projects that I spend weeks on.

This doesn’t include open source, uploading examples to my blog, writing code for conference presentations, etc. None of that is work related; it’s all on my own personal time.

5. Variety of Technologies

I get this half-way. I do not do a variety of technologies; at least the way he describes it. I stick to the Adobe client stack of Flash, Flex, Fireworks, Photoshop, as well as a decent amount of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript as well as all the other support technologies (ANT, JSFL, etc).

I’ve done a decent amount of PHP & ASP classic in the past to help my Flash coding endeavors and a tincy bit of Ruby on Rails to learn what all the fuss was about.

Bottom line, though, I’m a specialist. I focus on my area and want to be the best at what I do.

I think what homeskillet was referring to was not that you are proficient in a wide array of technologies from other stacks, but rather that you’ve used them enough to recognize their strengths and weaknesses. The best discussions in the Flash & Flex world are when people from other dicicplines contribute ideas from other worlds and challenge current assumptions. Breaking out of the bubble and leaving your comfort zone in order to expand your programming horizons.

Reading how Spring, and other cool things can be beneficial to Flex from the Java sphere or having to hear how ActionScript sucks for 2 days straight from a .NET guy because it doesn’t have a built in clone method. There are many great ideas that have been out for awhile. Learning about what benefits other technology stacks offer helps give you more context to what you know.

6. Formal Qualificiations

While I agree certifications are crap, I didn’t program before college/uni. My life before then focused on Rollerblading, video games, D&D, and chasing women. I only started programming half-way into my college curriculum.

Formality is crap anyway, though. If you can’t use Google to learn, not sure what to tell you. Half the knowledge you need to know is out there on the interwebs. The rest you can learn on your own. There are also a ton of great programming books to learn from as well. For the record, I did enjoy and learn a lot from college.

Via Visual Rinse.

Who Has Time for Unit Tests?

A couple months ago, I read about dpUInt, yet another unit testing framework for Flex. I got it from reading the docs, it seemed easy to add to an existing or new project, and I’m all gung ho for giving it a try. If it sucks, I know I have both FlexUnit and VisualFlexUnit as back up frameworks.

Test Driven Development practitioners are very passionate about what they do. They give off this air that my early OOP mentor’s also did, “Once you go TDD, you never go back”. The funny thing about OOP in Flash is how quickly it dies a pathetic little death when a deadline rears its head.

The amount of sustainable OOP in Flash is proportional to the deadline length. If I have 2 months, classes & framework for the win. If I have 2 days, screw you, on(press) { copyPasteCodeOnObjectsAndInFrames(); } and then show client early ’cause you know they’ll have massive changes.

Is unit testing like this? When I read Peter Bell’s blog, and other unit testing scenarios, I get the sense that an existing solid software base is used. Templates are modified, run through tests to ensure the new code & design works, and then the code is deployed. This cookie cutter pattern repeats, and can repeat, because the original software is solid, is customizable for a wide variety of common customer needs, and unit tests ensure everything keeps humming along.

The other sense I get is developers already know what they’re going to write.

I’ve never been in either scenario. Either I’ve had to build from scratch, re-write from scratch, or build atop of crap because the client heard “re-write” and thus freaked out (thus re-writing from scratch). Even in the best planned waterfall based projects with good IA’s, and somewhat flexible deadlines, it’s always been a process of discovery, modified requirements, and re-factoring/re-coding. This is in partly why I enjoy programming in Flash & Flex. Not only do I get to do that stuff with code, but also with design.

Therefore, it’s really hard for me to imagine how I could START writing test cases first in my project. The closest I’ve come to writing “tests” is when I create a new FLA to test a component that’s acting weird. Instead of testing the entire project, I’ll just boot up a new FLA in Flash, import the component, create it, throw some fake data at it and see what happens. In this way, I can more quickly find the problem, AND re-use the testing FLA (70% of the FLA’s anyway) at a later date if the component acts up again. This is after the fact, though.

The same thing in Flex. If I inspect the HTTP traffic through Charles, and see that the webservice is returning everything fine, and debugging doesn’t reveal anything obvious, I’ll set up a test file that instantiates controls in a really simple environment. Instead of a large app, it’s 2 controls that interact with simple fake data. Again, this really helps me isolate problems and more easily find them. It also makes it easier for me to not only test later, but quickly test smaller portions of my code.

Granted, sometimes I don’t like “going to all that trouble” and keep doing risk debugging; where you swear that in just 1 more compile you’ll find the bug and fix it… yet this is the 4th time you’ve said that and you could of already been well on your way creating a test harness to more quickly and assuredly find and fix the problem…

Again, though, after the fact.

Like everything in programming, I’m still reading more sources to get a better idea, it’s just hard to get a good feel for who in the Flex & Flash community is doing unit testing, and how. With the influx of traditional developers in the Flex world, I’m seeing more talk about it, yet not enough case studies with good details on how the work flow actually works from requirements gathering to sitting down and coding. Flash devs’ll try anything, just point us to the right way!

People would ask me to justify the time it takes to actually use Cairngorm. In their example code, all they really did was neatly wrap 1 line of code setting 1 variable on a single ModelLocator in a Command. I’d respond that either they wait 3 months, and compare the newest Command in SVN with the one they emailed me to get their answer. If that didn’t make any sense, or they just didn’t want to have faith in JXL, I’d instead point them to a lighter weight framework.

Am I in the same predicament? Are my deadlines, lack of hardcore requirements, and/or inability to easily articulate a base design preventing me from really benefiting from formal unit testing or do I just need to read more?