Location, Location, Location with a Phat View

Via <a href=”http://www.mediadiva.net/mt/”>her majesty</a>.

I’ve never been to Melbourne, but I heard from the peeps in Sydney it’s not as cool as Sydney, and the opposite from peeps from Melbourne. At any rate, assuming its’ a dessert, like parts of Nevada are, I guess one could envision themselves elsewhere, and then make a business practice that markets to that desire. “It sucks here, let’s buy some land far away from here.” Nevermind the land is inhospitable. Maybe you could sue NASA for leaving a footprint in your “Don’t Touch The Dust!” signed yard… in a crater. …wtf…

<a href=”http://www.cnn.com/2003/TECH/space/10/13/offbeat.moon.ap/index.html”>CNN</a>

New Mag: Flash MX Developer’s Journal

Mag = magazine
Zine = personal, non-profit magazine usually self-published

(Hope I got that right)

Anyway, Candace, a fellow Flash developer and helper with the Flashcom Admin API documentation, congratulated me today on getting accepted as an editor. I totally forgot to mention it!

Check the 4th or 5th paragraph.

<a href=”http://www.sys-con.com/2002/PR/08252003.cfm”>SYS-CON Media Announces
MX Developer’s Journal </a>

Pimp Pimp Fluid

Via my co-worker Tony.

<a href=”http://www.bevnet.com/news/2003/08-19-2003-nelly.asp”>http://www.bevnet.com/news/2003/08-19-2003-nelly.asp</a>