Category: JavaScript

  • Lumpers and Splitters

    Watching a Kent Beck talk, and because of recent events, I really liked his definition of the 2 types of developer preferences: “Lumpers” and “Splitters” (at 41:30 mark)

  • We Hire React Developers

    “We hire React developers”. Sadly, that doesn’t really hold up; you’ll need to be wayyyyyy more specific. What does “React developer” mean?

    Some write JavaScript, some write TypeScript.

    Some use classes, some use Hooks.

    Some use imperative/procedural style components, some create pure ones, some use higher order components, some use Mediators, some utilize functional core/imperative shell, some practice a variety utilize a combination thereof, and others have no idea and just inject hooks until they’re “done”.

  • Google’s 2023 State of DevOps Report

    I’ve read the 2023 DORA State of DevOps report & summarized parts I found interesting. In a hurry, just read this bulleted list.

  • Stricter TypeScript >, <, and ===

    TypeScript needs a new feature for Type aliases to allow stricter comparison for >, <, and ===. Possibly for Interface as well, but I don’t think the demographic that utilizes Interface would care.
