Screen Capture Driver for Flashcom

Fabio Sonnati just found this screen capture driver that is free for personal use. I tested it in Flash 8 using:


I then right clicked on the SWF, went to Settings, chose the Camera tag, and chose the “VHScrCap” driver from the list of Camera drivers, and walla, I could see my Flash movie in Flash.

Opening the SWF from my desktop, I could then see my desktop. I’m having challenges getting specific settings from the driver, but that’s becaues I’m rusty with Flashcom, and it doesn’t come with them in the program itself.

Naicu Octavian pointed us to iuVCR from iuLabs, which has a video driver settings panel.

Now you can capture your desktop utilizing Flashcom without being a h@X|\|0|3! (i.e. Video card out via S-VHS cable to capture card in on another computer that has a SWF that selects the Capture Card driver in the settings list, and broadcasts that to a localhost Flashcom server… whew!)


6 responses to “Screen Capture Driver for Flashcom”

  1. Jarle Avatar

    Can I use it on a mac?

  2. Romain Ecarnot Avatar

    Excellent news !!!

    I search for this kind of driver for a long time now, and Camatasia still too expansive for my personnal needs.
    I’ll test it this evening…

    Thanks a lot JesterXL ;)

  3. JesterXL Avatar

    A prog to help configure it.

  4. jeanphilippe Avatar

    yes it’s really a good news
    but again… waht’s the way to run it on OSX ?

  5. JesterXL Avatar

    Doesn’t work on OSX I don’t think:

    System requirements:
    Microsoft Windows 98 (or later), Windows 2000 (or later)
    DirectX 8 (or later)
    Pentium II-compatible, AMD-compatible, 600MHz or better CPU
    32 Mb of RAM
    2 Mb of HDD free space for installation

  6. Prasanth Avatar


    Could please send me any sample project using this driver in C#.