Adobe Open Source Media Framework – JXLTV Episode #5

				JXL TV Episode 5

Beer – Samuel Adam’s IrishRed


6 responses to “Adobe Open Source Media Framework – JXLTV Episode #5”

  1. corbanb Avatar

    keep it up man. love the videos.

  2. Miro Avatar

    What happened to Debug window v.2?

  3. Robert Sandie Avatar

    Have to agree.. it’s incredible hearing about the latest on the flash scene on a semi-often basis!

  4. JesterXL Avatar

    @Miro I had to cut it out; made the video too long (10 extra minutes). I’m posting it + blog post tomorrow (Thursday).

  5. Jonny Avatar

    Thanks for the videos! I’m hacking around deep inside OSMF’s MediaElement and MediaFactory right now and I have to agree, although the ASDocs are pretty good, the implementation docs are seriously lacking! They could do with some best practices guides.

  6. Randy Troppmann Avatar

    Open Source M***** F***** LOL