I need someone with good lingo skills, probably 4-5 years of lingo experience. This is a pretty quick project the spec is simple….
Basically, the programmer needs to read the filenames in several folders and place buttons on the screen with the filename on them and have them displayed in alphabetical order and in quadrants based on folder type, such as: specials, transitions, music. Attached to the button is a script that will cause the file to be loaded and played by QuickTime. If a second button is pressed the sound must cross fade to the new sound. On screen timers will show how long a particular piece is and how much has played with a scale showing apx where in the music we are. I have a working piece now and wish to update/rewrite it for some additional functionality. A good programmer should be able to knock this out in 2-3 days easy. I would like to get this going as soon as possible as well.
If you have the skills and availability to help out with this project, Please give me a call asap.
Britt Stephens
New Media Registry