Too Much Dessert Combat

You know you’ve been playing too much Desert Combat when you start to freak out at the sound of a traffic helicopter. When walking the street to lunch with my co-workers, I was suddenly saddened to know a heli was base camping at the Buckhead Bellsouth building. I knew I was dead, and would have to respawn inside.

Today when driving home I saw the chopper in front of me, and knew I was screwed, because only tanks are tough enough to withstand a machine gun barrage that those choppers can throw… specially the frikin’ Apache’s. I knew my del Sol couldn’t protect me from even their gunfire because it’s strength is the same as the USA’s Hummer in-game.


6 responses to “Too Much Dessert Combat”

  1. Daniel Dura Avatar

    I guess when Battlefield 2 comes out, you will build a bunker in your office and outfit your car with a rocket launcher :)

  2. Josh Dura Avatar

    Haha great post, Desert Combat rules :) Cant wait for BF: Modern Combat and BF: 2

  3. Mark Haliday Avatar
    Mark Haliday

    I thought I was the only one affected by this? I just don’t feel safe any more walking down the street unless I have my RPG with me….

  4. erik bianchi Avatar

    Dude when do you play DC? Alex and I are on every night and never see you on the comes damn it!!!!

  5. erik bianchi Avatar

    coms damn it coms!!

  6. Lee F. Avatar
    Lee F.

    Ok, code junkie! Drop the Chalupa and step back….. ;-)