Best Bedouin Starbucks in San Francisco?

I’m chaperoning for her majesty in San Francisco Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday while she attends the Usability Week 2007 Conference. I’m on the clock for my current gig and need to knock out a list of bugs. I like working near people, so have been reading the reviews for the various Starbucks in San Fran on Google Maps, but it’s quite overwhelming. In true Bedouin style, I just need a table & chair, decent wireless, and something that looks like coffee. Nearby related demographic is icing.

Can anyone recommend a good Starbucks to work at near the hotel? (map)

2 Replies to “Best Bedouin Starbucks in San Francisco?”

  1. Jesse,

    The closest Starbucks to you, Sutter and Stockton, is probably pretty good. I walk by it about once a week and see people – mostly traveling Euro tourists – in there on laptops. Here’s the GMap you your hotel to the locations: linkie.


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